We interviewed Rosie to find out how she became a Storyteller, what she loves about it and if she had any top tips for aspiring storytellers!

What do you love about telling stories?
I love everything about telling stories. Becoming the different characters, using my imagination, singing, dancing and having fun.

Did you enjoy telling stories as a child?
I was always retelling classic tales and making up stories as a child. I would love dressing up and becoming different characters.

What makes a good story?
The best stories have lots of adventure, lots of laughs and of course a good happy ending!

How did you become a story teller?
I have been telling stories since I was little but I first started telling stories to audiences when I was only 16 with my local youth theatre..

Does it take you long to learn a new story to tell?
It takes me about 2 days to prepare everything I need for the story and to rehearse it fully before the workshop

What’s your favourite story to tell?
It takes me about 2 days to prepare everything I need for the story and to rehearse it fully before the workshop.

We love making props! Why do you include props in your storytelling?
I love using props to help tell stories. But I don’t think props have to be fancy objects that only theatres and big shows have. I like to make props with bits and bobs you can find at home. That way everyone can make a prop for their story!

What are your top tips for aspiring storytellers?
1. Read lots of different stories! There is a whole world of wonderful stories to explore.

2. Want to become more confident standing up and being a storyteller try practising at home with your friends and family.

3. Make a story your own! How could the story of Cinderella be different and your own! Don't be afraid to add your own touch of awesomeness to a story!

Find out more about Rosie at…


